TerrÂm(i)es, which means Earth Soul Sisters, is a company, where empowering mothers through Social Justice, Sustainability and Spirituality, are connecting to "Transformations of the Earth Mother". We are womyn living in harmony with Gaia, and we offer education & products that are carefully picked to support “Transformation” in the service of all Life.
TerrÂm(i)es is situated on the outskirts of Rawdon, in the Lanaudiere region of the province of Quebec, Canada. On site, we have three Alveoles in the Seed of Life design (first rotation of the Flower of Life). Alveoles are living hexagram permaculture garden constructions that are extremely precise and aligned with the Star and Earth energies. They have very specific ways of planting and arrangements. The creation consequently is a very beautiful and refined energy tool. The knowledge of Alveoles is from the ancient wisdoms of the Micmaq’ Nation.

In particular, due to Quebec’s special relationship with Water (we hold the largest store of fresh water in the world) we feel that the peoples of the province of Quebec hold a destiny of enormous opportunity to help the planet by igniting the Feminine Principle and asking the memory of Water to carry it on.

We are here to serve that purpose with what we offer on this web site and its ultimate goals, the internal technologies of Ecstasy and Gratitude both for you and for us.

4005 ch. du lac Brennan, Rawdon, Quebec, Canada, J0K 1S0 — Tel.: 450-834-4231 — info@terramies.com